abril 02, 2009

Kenneth Rogoff: boas e más notícias sobre a crise

Kenneth Rogoff, prof. de Harvard e ex economista-chefe do FMI estudou outras crises financeiras pelo mundo e chegou a duas conclusões: todas terminam e todas são longas.

These forecasts may seem somber, but so far the U.S. experience has mirrored past deep banking crises around the world to a remarkable extent. In our forthcoming book, "This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly," we compare the U.S. crisis with earlier banking-crisis episodes in Spain, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Colombia and Argentina over the past three decades. It may seem like hyperbole to compare the United States with emerging markets, but hard evidence suggests it is not.

Dica: blog do Mankiw

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