julho 08, 2009

Patê ou comida de cachorro?

O chamado imperialismo econômico, a economia se metendo na área de outras ciências, avança agora até sobre a gastronomia e os vinhos. Como em outras áreas, vem para gerar polêmica e desmistificar os experts. Um trabalho, por exemplo, mostra que as pessoas não conseguem distinguir comida para cachorro de patê.
"We have this idea in our head that dog food won't taste good and that we would be able to identify it, but it turns out that is not the case," said Robin Goldstein, a co-author of the study, which was published online Thursday as a working paper by the American Assn. of Wine Economists.
Goldstein (veja o ótimo blog dele, o Blind Taste) said the tasting demonstrated that "context plays a huge role in taste and value judgment," even though researchers warned the participants that one of the five foods they were going to taste was dog food.
The five samples came from a wide price range and were processed to have a similar consistency. The foods were duck liver mousse, pork liver pâté, two imitation pâtés -- pureed liverwurst and Spam -- and Newman's Own dog food.
Eight participants believed the liverwurst was the dog food, while four thought Spam was the culprit. Two people identified the high-end pâté as dog food, and one identified the duck liver mousse as dog food.
O paper será publicado no jornal da Association of Wine Economists. Pasme, ela existe.


Um comentário:

Daniela Caride disse...

O comediante Steven Colbert dedicou parte de um programa dele a essa pesquisa. É um dos vídeos mais hilários que já vi na vida! Clique no link abaixo e desça até o quadrado cinza, depois da história. Você vai achar o link pro video.